Payroll Webinars 2024

Hosted by the IFA with guest speaker Alison Cook, our payroll webinars are intended for members and non-members who wish to build a better understanding of payroll matters.  

Dates of the webinars are:

Webinar Topics Dates

Payroll issues 1

Recording available, buy now


Payroll issues 2

Recording available, buy now

  Price CPD hours
Per webinar IFA members & affiliate - £55
Non-members - £70

About the speaker

Alison Cook is a chartered accountant who qualified with Deloitte and Touche and then working for Baring Brothers, Bankers Trust and Deutsche Bank before setting up her own firm 20 years ago.

Although her firm provides generalist accounting and tax services, Alison has a particular interest in the charity sector and prepares accounts and performs Independent Examinations for a number of national charities and many smaller, local ones. Alison is also a trustee of several charities.

She has been a freelance trainer for about 15 years, preparing and delivering seminars and training courses for Business Link, local enterprise agencies and the University of Bedfordshire amongst others.