Employment taxes update & VAT – the aftermath years

Employment taxes update
Emily Webster, PWC

  • This topic is relevant for any advisor with clients who have employees or workers engaged off payroll. The session will focus on key issues currently facing employers including the most efficient ways they may support employees with the cost of living. For example, payments, benefits, salary sacrifice, etc. It will also cover HMRC key focus areas and the forthcoming end of year reporting all employers will need to complete. Finally, it will provide an update on wider pay governance issues affecting payroll including updates on enforcement and case law.

    Employment tax update covering topical issues, including:
    · Supporting employees through the Cost of Living
    · Off payroll workers and labour supply chain
    · End of Year reporting (Form P11ds, Payrolling Benefits and PAYE Settlement Agreements)
    · Pay Governance updates covering National Minimum Wage and Holiday Pay.

VAT – the aftermath years
Kevin Hall, Wright Hassel

  • VAT is an awkward tax. The rules keep changing and are tricky to apply, with inaccuracies leading to large liabilities. Kevin Hall has been helping businesses and practitioners navigate their way through these rules since 1998. He will explain recent developments, setting out what the rules mean in practice and the implications of any changes. This will help businesses and their advisers to discuss their VAT risks and address them.

    Topics covered:

    • Areas still causing uncertainty
    • Key legislative changed · Relevant recent case decisions
    • HMRC policy updates · New developments
    • Topics will range from property/Option To Tax; to Brexit; to digital/NFTs/cryptoassets; to insolvent businesses; to food; and more


CPD hours: 2 (per recording)
Price: IFA members - £36
          Non-members - £43

To purchase recordings, please contact [email protected]

About the speakers

Emily Webster, PwC

Emily is a Director within PwC’s Northern Employment practice. Emily has over 10 years of employment tax and pay regulation experience. Emily helps employers (of all sizes and sectors) ensure that they are compliant in all areas of employment tax and pay regulations.