Financial reporting quarterly update 2024


The preparation of financial statements and annual statutory accounts is a constant part of an accountant's role – especially those working for a small business or advising them. Keep up to date with the changes in financial reporting requirements as well as any small changes in the accounting treatment of many differing areas by registering for these quarterly updates. 

Purchase all 4 webinars as a bundle at a discount rate, click here to purchase.

Quarter Agenda Dates
Quarter 1
  • AML update
  • Financial reporting
  • Practice Management Issues
  • Pot Pouri

Recording available, buy now

Quarter 2

  • Monday Laundering
  • Financial reporting
  • Practice management

Recording available, buy now

Quarter 3
  • Money Laundering, Terrorist and Proliferation Financing (MLTPF) Update
  • Regulation of Tax Advisers
  • Expanding on the Guidance Given in Q2 about the changes to FRS 102 and FRS 105

Recording available, buy now

Quarter 4
More information coming soon

Wednesday 4 December 2024

10am - 12pm

  Price CPD hours
Per quarter IFA members & affiliate - £55
Non-members - £79
Bundle IFA members & affiliate - £198
Non-members - £284

Purchase all 4 webinars as a bundle at a discount rate, click here to purchase.

“ I attended my first quarterly update a few years ago as a top up to the firm’s existing CPD provider and was impressed. The content was focused on just the right areas that members in practice needed. I was “hooked” and have stayed on board ever since. The course notes are a great source of reference for resolving day-to-day and unique issues that so often present themselves."

- IFA member on all quarterly financial reporting update webinars