The specific skills you need to be a truly effective advisor to your clients | 27 November

Uncover the untapped advisory potential within you in this transformative webinar. Shane Lukas dives into the essential skills that accountants inherently possess, which are crucial for delivering exceptional advisory services. This session is designed to dismantle the barriers of doubt, particularly for those who are introverted or apprehensive about stepping into uncharted advisory territories.

Learn to navigate conversations confidently, handle inquiries with ease, and understand that in-depth knowledge of a client's business isn't a prerequisite for impactful advisory. Through practical exercises and real-life success stories, Shane will showcase how natural accountant skills can be honed and directed towards effective advisory services.

Address common misconceptions head-on and emerge from the webinar with a newfound confidence in your advisory capabilities. Regardless of the outcome, your clients' respect and appreciation for you will soar.

Attendees will receive a complimentary booklet filled with additional insights and guidance, serving as a valuable resource as you apply what you've learned to your practice. Join us to unlock your potential and redefine your professional identity as a trusted advisor.

Date: Wednesday 27 November 2024
Time: 12pm - 1pm
CPD hours: 1
Members & affiliates: Free
Non - members: £40 - Contact the IFA events team to purchase all 11 webinars at a discounted rate of £420!


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